Puppet vs SaltStack

October 12, 2022

Puppet vs SaltStack: An Unbiased Comparison

When it comes to choosing a configuration management tool for Continuous Integration (CI), Deployment, and Continuous Delivery (CD) pipeline, there are many options available on the market. But two platforms stand out because of their exceptional performance, Puppet and SaltStack.

Both Puppet and SaltStack provide a management platform with a server that remotely manages the configuration of hundreds or thousands of servers. A vast majority of IT professionals use these two platforms to automate their operations to manage applications, infrastructure and improve their DevOps workflows.

However, when choosing between Puppet and SaltStack, it may ultimately depend on the specific needs of your organization. Here’s a factual, unbiased comparison of Puppet and SaltStack.


Puppet is an open-source configuration management system that is popular among developers and IT professionals. Puppet aims to improve software quality and efficiency by automating configuration management. Puppet uses a domain-specific language, which allows system administrators to define the desired state of the infrastructure.

Advantages of Puppet

  • Puppet is easy to learn, and it is flexible in the way it is used.
  • Puppet has vast resources and a supportive community that can provide assistance.
  • Puppet has a robust web interface with excellent reporting capabilities.

Disadvantages of Puppet

  • Puppet has a steeper learning curve than some other similar platforms, and it can be time-consuming to set up and configure.
  • Puppet can be slow compared to other similar tools when it comes to large-scale configurations.


SaltStack is another open-source infrastructure automation solution that allows system administrators to automate their infrastructure. SaltStack uses YAML or Jinja configuration files to automate infrastructure operations. SaltStack is named after the science of salt, which is a granular sample of matter, to illustrate its scalable architecture.

Advantages of SaltStack

  • SaltStack is lightweight and fast, making it an ideal solution for large-scale configurations.
  • SaltStack has a simple setup process and can be easily integrated with other tools in the DevOps workflow.
  • SaltStack has great documentation with helpful examples for beginners.

Disadvantages of SaltStack

  • SaltStack does not have a web interface, so it can be challenging to view reports and results.
  • SaltStack has a small and less diverse user community, which can be limiting when it comes to resources and support.

Comparative Analysis

Metric Puppet SaltStack
Ease of Learning Moderate Easy
Learning Curve High Low
Integration Multiple API support Plugin and Module Support
Configuration Grains, Facts, Manifests Modules, States, Pillars
Community Support Vast Community Small Community
Scalability Suitable for Small-Medium Suitable for Medium-Large


Both Puppet and SaltStack can help you manage your infrastructure effectively. However, it depends on the specific needs of your organization. If you have a small to medium-sized infrastructure, or you need an excellent web interface, comprehensive documentation with great community support, Puppet would be the right choice.

On the other hand, SaltStack would be a better option if you're dealing with large-scale configurations, have a simple setup process with easy integration with other tools in the DevOps workflow, and require fast performance.

Hopefully, this comparison of Puppet and SaltStack has helped you to choose the platform that aligns with your organization’s DevOps workflow.


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